

Have you ever experienced a "why haven't I thought about this?" moments? Our team can help you both to perform a best-in-class security audit for you ready-to-launch codebase, but also assist you in the protocol design, architecture review and optimization, planning of the testing infrastructure, and many more. Our skills are unique and complementary, covering all your needs in blockchain security.



    Helped Secure

    RenzoDYADUniswap FoundationAlthea Liquid InfrastructurePanopticAI ArenaPoolTogether

    Available for hire

    We are open to performing security audits and consultancy, primarily in EVM/Solidity & Rust-based blockchain platforms. Reach us via ``

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    We are a team of security researchers from the formal methods community with broad expertise in rigorous software development, development of automated blockchain testing solutions, formal verification, and comprehensive security audits.

    Helped Secure

    RenzoDYADUniswap FoundationAlthea Liquid InfrastructurePanopticAI ArenaPoolTogether